Transformers & Transformer Parts

Transformers are used to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another through electromagnetic induction. These include core, windings, insulating materials, transformer oil, tap changer, conservator, breather, cooling tubes, Buchholz Relay and explosion vent.

Copper Wound Transformer
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From ₹ 2,000,000.00
Energy Efficient Transformer
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From ₹ 1,000,000.00
Oil-Cooled Distribution Transformer
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From ₹ 635,000.00
Step Up Transformer
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From ₹ 1,966,000.00
Auxiliary Transformer
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From ₹ 1,250,000.00
Furnace Duty Transformer
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From ₹ 1,000,000.00
Compact Substation
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From ₹ 2,500,000.00
Wind Transformer
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From ₹ 1,000,000.00
Solar Invert Duty Transformer
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From ₹ 795,000.00
Power Transformers
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From ₹ 1,000,000.00
Electrical Transformer
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From ₹ 100,000.00
Solar Transformer
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From ₹ 1,150,000.00
Distribution Transformer
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From ₹ 550,000.00

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